CIC News / Integral Revolution
GEORGE DAFERMOS, research affiliate at the P2PF and a member of Commons Lab, has just published his research on the organizational structure of the Catalan Integral Cooperative. In his own words: – What does a post-capitalist, cooperative and open source society would look like? In this video, George presented to the […]
Artículos/Opinión / Destacados / Economía comunal
[Este artículo de Stacco Troncoso forma parte de una serie que publicará la CIC sobre el concepto P2P (entre iguales). Stacco Troncoso es desarrollador estratégico de la P2P Foundation y explora en este artículo las diferentes vertientes de las economías P2P, de igual a igual, facilitadas por el mundo de […]
Articles/Opinió / Destacats / Economia comunal
[Aquest article d’Stacco Troncoso, traduït per Xavier Borràs, forma part d’una sèrie que publicarà la CIC sobre el concepte P2P (entre iguals). Stacco Troncoso és desenvolupador estratègic de la P2P Foundation i explora en aquest article les diferents vessants de les economies P2P, d’igual a igual, facilitades pel món de les […]
Commons Economy
This spring brings a new collaboration between the P2P Foundation (P2PF) and the Catalan Integral Cooperative (CIC), working together on a Commons Transition Plan which follows the agenda developed by the common work group formed by both teams in 2014. To start off and to raise awareness about the project, […]
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