CIC News / Integral Revolution
GEORGE DAFERMOS, research affiliate at the P2PF and a member of Commons Lab, has just published his research on the organizational structure of the Catalan Integral Cooperative. In his own words: – What does a post-capitalist, cooperative and open source society would look like? In this video, George presented to the […]
Collectivization / Commons Economy / Ecology / Integral Revolution / Opinion
The “Apoist”1 thread of the Kurdish Movement, which today involves many actors and organizations in military and political capacity, has gravitated away from the idea of founding a state. With the capture of PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan and his following imprisonment in İmralı, followed by a so-called paradigm shift with […]
Collectivization / Commons Economy / Events / Featured Posts / Integral Revolution
The current international political context allows us to clearly see the serious limits to the possibilities of social change through institutional routes. On the one hand, the new left-wing political experiences in Latin America have had scarce impact on actual political life in the countries where they have had a chance to govern. There is a particularly great difficulty in […]
Integral Revolution
We want to finance the team that is already working on the launch of the #OccupyBanking campaign with theintention of placing at the center of public debate the total lack of democracy of the European Central Bank (ECB) and large private banks who control the monetary system, and especially the creation of money. A perverse system based on debt […]
Integral Revolution / Recent Posts
Two years ago I left planted the judges, the district attorney’s office and banking, representatives of three of the most corrupt and obsolete estates of our epoch, that hide under a dark carpet the shames of a bank unworthy system, to try to condemn a few facts isolating them of […]
Integral Revolution
Autonomy brings together two revolutions on the left and from below «“Power to the people” can only be put into practice when the power exercised by social elites is dissolved into the people.» (Murray Bookchin, Post-Scarcity Anarchism) The largely unknown until recently Kurdish city of Kobane managed to attract the […]
Featured Posts / Integral Revolution
Here we present a CommonsTransition interview with Enric Duran. Prior to co-founding the Catalan Integral Cooperative — a Commons Transition partner project creating a cooperative, self managed public system in Catalonia — Duran became famous for his 2008 “bank action”, an act which involved defrauding 39 Spanish banks of nearly […]
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