How do we organize ourselves?
Catalan Integral Cooperative is organized through fortnightly open assemblies where decisions about its functioning are taken. In these assemblies which are called ‘permanent assemblies’, among other issues, the tasks carried out by different commisions and working groups are reviewed. Also, if need be, creation of new working groups and commisions can be aggreed upon.
Working commissions are constructed as nodes. These comprise and interrelate various commissions that have a certain relation with one and other.
How we understand a commission is, a stable group of people carrying out a necessary task for the proper functioning of the cooperative. The commission propose actions and fields of work, develop them and present their current states and results during permanent assemblies.
A working group is an ensemble of people who realize a punctual and fairly concrete task or iniciate a new branch inside the cooperative from the moment the premanent assembly finds it necessary. In the cases that a task developed by the working group is time consuming but at the same time important for the collective, the issue is brought up in the permanent assembly and then the commission could become a commission. Both the working groups and the commisions are open to public participation.
A very important tool for the commisions and the working groups is the social network of the cooperative through which those invovled in a group can share information, develop ideas, create debates, upload files. It is a tool to communicate through data transmission. Browsing through the social network one can see the scope of issues that were treated before.
Below is the list of nodes, with the commissions that compose them and their corresponding link in the social network of the CIC.
HUB 1: People
- Welcome commission-
- Training commission
- Conflict-resolution commission
- Self-employment support commission
HUB 2: Communication
- Communication, diffusion and emmission commisison –
- Promotional activities commisison
- Documentation commission
- IT commission – informatica(a)
NODE 3: Economy, law and production
- Commission of the economic administration of communal services –
- Legal commission –
- Social currency monitoring commission
- Production project commission
NODE 4: Coordination
- Territorial Network coordination commission
- Thematic Groups coordination comission
- Commission of decision-making methods
- Commission of task coordination
NODE 5: Needs and exchanges
- Basic needs commission –
- Exchange promotion comission –
- Cooperative work commission
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